InnoWards 2018: SET winner of InnoManagement prize
Unanimously voted for the InnoManagement Award, SET was noted for the strong involvement and enthusiasm of its employees. In 2012, SET’s employees mobilized to buy the company and form a SCOP (French acronym for Société COopérative et Participative – cooperative and participative company). Creating a cooperative has been a source of success for SET. Daily this combines ‘collectivity’ and ‘innovation’, relying on SET’s team spirit to constantly create new solutions in the very competitive Flip Chip Bonder (very high precision component assembly equipment) and NanoImprint Lithography (NIL) sectors.
Organized by the French magazine Acteurs de l’économie-La Tribune, in partnership with the audit firm BDO, the French investment bank BpiFrance, the French energy company EDF Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes and French TV channel France 3 Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, for three years, the InnoWards have awarded five prizes honouring innovative and inspiring projects in the Savoie Mont Blanc region: InnoManagement, InnoCulture, InnoIndustrie, the Jury’s Choice Award and InnoJump, the Audience Award.