SET reçoit le Prix Georg-Waeber pour l’Innovation 2008

Georg-Waeber Prize for Innovation 2008 was given to Dr. Matthias Rommel and Mr Holger Schmitt (Fraunhofer-IISB), Mr Michael Hornung (SUSS MicroTec) and Mr. Gilbert Lecarpentier (Smart Equipment Technology).

SET, represented by Mr. Gilbert Lecarpentier, International Strategic Marketing Manager for Device Bonder and Nanoimprint Lithography, was significantly involved in implementing important developments that were based on experiments performed at the Fraunhofer IISB for the NanoimPrint Stepper NPS300.

The improvements brought the NanoimPrint Stepper to readiness for market.

Key aspects of his activities were the optimization of the imprint head, the installation of a high sensitivity self-levelling system, and the integration of an ink-jet system for dispensing picoliter droplets of resist.

Download the german version of the release  

Download the english version of the release 

Download the german version of Fraunhofer IISB’s press release 

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